Love !n Mot!on

Thandi means love and I AM love in motion.God's life breath, daughter, sister, student and Gods purpose defined and liberated daily.

Thursday, September 24, 2009



I am on a quest, once again, to answer the questions that most matter. Having experienced millions of thoughts that often bombard me with just as much questions, I have pondered on the following question: Who has the POWER?


According to the Oxford Dictionary, POWER is defined as “ability to do or act;
vigour;energy;control;influence;ascendancy;authority;influential person etc.”

But I will focus on the following definitions:
Influential person

Inspired by the movie/book Lord of the flies (William Golding, 1954) and a fascinating book by author Richard Calland ,Anatomy of South Africa –Who Holds the Power?; I have been doing some extensive research on the subject. I intend on doing more research, but for now, I have reached this conclusion.

Let’s look at the movie: Lord of the Flies (1954)

A plane full of British schoolboys is shot down over a small tropical island during a raging world war.
The boys survive, unhurt, apart from society and all they know. This also means no authority or rules for them. However these boys aim to organise themselves, they find food, water and take care of each other.

In contrast to the image the boys depict in the beginning; they fall prey to a human tendency of violence and some of the boys compete for leadership. Eventually they start fighting with one another and like savages; they go to war against each other.

According to Richard Lippa; the author of the book, Introduction to social psychology; the movie falls under the chapter AGGRESSION and rightly so. Conversely, in my opinion, this movie can also fall under the category POWER!

The ego of the boy’s surface and this leads to war and violence in order to gain power, the final word, authority, control, influence.

As a result, some of the boys either fear or respect the ultimate leader, hence they view the protagonist /antagonist (depending on the way you look at it) as a higher figure of authority and we all know that FOLLOWERS =POWER!
Therefore these boys posses the mentality that their freedom of choice is limited.


Ego/ selfishness = Desire for Power=War =Obtaining Power= Being Feared/Respected as a higher figure of authority = Followers feeling a lack of freedom of choice

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Growing up(guess still am), is being an interesting journey.

One filled with many lessons ,trials ,tribulations ,triumphs and laughter.

What I have always struggled with is "how the world seeked to change me".

I had to learn to trust me and God especially.

Maintain my identity,no matter what.

Its being a tough one though where I found myself asking so many questions,why this happens ,why people think like this etc...But its being questions I have needed to answer for myself.

It is sometimes difficult to maintain an identity when your being fed information of all sorts every single day.

The media ,government,society ,community,religion and parents. All having their say on what will make you a better person.(who even knows what that means anymore)

I have to admit being 18 has been a roller coaster ride of emotions but its also being an roller coaster ride of blessings. Blessings that came hidden making them hard to appreciate.
But now I see them and I appreciate them.

I could say to you do what you want to do,say the things you want to say and express yourself the way you want to express yourself,but I would have to be honest with you and say ,'the road you take is a narrow one,filled with many negativity'. But as much as there are negatives ,there are positives.

So fight hard to be YOU. Cause in the true words of AKA ,Ivy League,"The only thing that can hold you down is gravity"