Love !n Mot!on

Thandi means love and I AM love in motion.God's life breath, daughter, sister, student and Gods purpose defined and liberated daily.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Entry 8- Salvation(Exodus 14:13)

Uhuru knew she wouldn’t be able to find someone like Maran again. It took her a long time for him to break the wall she had built around herself. She rememberered the day he did:
“I will fight for you. I will keep knocking on the door of your heart, until you open it up for me. I will wait for you and when you come to me, you will never any reasons to not trust or doubt me. This I promise you,” Maran said gently.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” Uhuru said, hoping Maran would leave before she gave in.

“Uhuru, I have learnt that a promise is a promise and you can’t say you will do something and not do it. Your word is everything.” Maran responded.

Uhuru sat in silence, Maran was saying all the right things but fear still resided in her heart.
Maran looked at her, “Fear is the opposite of love. Do you know that?”
Maran knew what she was thinking, Uhuru thought.

Maran broke her train of thought “I need you to trust me, I’m standing right here, waiting for you to show up, wanting you, but I need you to trust in what you know rather than the fear you feel.” Maran said. 

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

Our lives are balanced on the top of a 100 foot pole. Every moment is because of a choice we have made prior to that moment. We have made conscious and sometimes unconscious decisions to move in a specific direction with our lives, to do or say something in a certain way. We have made choices about the work and relationships we have in our lives.
Some people say they did not choose the hand they were dealt in life so they live and follow certain values. But the reality is that even the reactions they have are choices/ decisions they have taken.   

Every moment in our lives also gives us the opportunity to do something or say something. Even when we don’t say something or remain silent, we still make a choice to do so. In essence, it is still doing something.  

When you do something or make a choice, you make an effort. The challenge is then to be fully alive and genuine in all you do. When taking the step, be present, aware, content and happy in your decision to do so, which will ensure that there is never regret or “what if” moments in the future. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

We are what to do

  • We are what to do
  • We are what we say
  • We are what we eat
  • We are what we think of ourselves
 These are the statements are hear often, however I believe we determine who we are.
  1. Matthew 8: 13
Then Jesus told the centurion, “Go. As you have believed, let it be done for you.”

  1. Proverbs 23:7
For as he thinks in his heart (within himself), so is he.

Its as simple as the Bible verse above, whatever you believe for your life and about yourself, that will come to pass. There is the life that YOU ARE, and the life THAT IS. This is why I disagree with this statement, we are not what we do (life THAT IS), we cannot as living beings minimise and limit ourselves to just a job, occupation, something that keeps us busy in the meantime. 

We are more than what we do. In fact, we are life (life that you are). We are Gods children, created to love and to be loved by Him. Created to enjoy life and Gods gifts and creations surrounding us.

Entry 7-Redemption (Isaiah 50:2)

Recently, memories about Maran flooded Uhuru’s mind. She couldn’t understand the reason and constantly fought them.
“You are fine, you are fine, “she said repeatedly and confidently as she looked in the mirror.

However, her eyes said differently. 

She leaned forward to catch a glimpse of the wrinkles that appeared on her face. She looked older.  Nothing like the way Maran described her, who had loved everything about her.
She looked at her gold and brown hair. “Sunrays dancing on your hair, Maran once said.
She looked at her brown skin, “chocolate delight, he once whispered.
Her eyes kept examining her body, “beautiful eyes, which speak to my soul and sometimes see right through me. Allow me M’am, to get lost in them.” Maran once wrote.
She stepped back and realised she hadn’t grown an inch in size, “don’t worry, I will carry you, he once giggled as he teased her about her height
Her pear shaped body that he caressed tenderly.
She could see him everywhere. She could hear his voice in her head all the time and that’s when she knew, she would never be fine 

Friday, March 16, 2012

We are afraid of the wrong things 

This statement reminds me of one of my favourite poems:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
-Marianne Williamson

We are afraid of the things we do not know, of things we deem impossible or difficult to reach. We don’t try because we are afraid of failure, of ours and others expectations and opinions about us.

The things that make us afraid are normally things we want to acquire or experience in our lives. We want that dream job, see and experience things. We became afraid and believe the lies told about us. The voice in our heads that’s afraid of change, afraid of being and doing better than what we are now. 

We make up excuses, pretend as if we don’t have a choice and give up easily. In most cases, we give up before we have even started.

The reality is if we choose to go after the things that make us feel and be ALIVE, we choose life and courage. Being brave or courageous doesn’t mean you lack fear, it means you recognise fear, but move beyond it anyway.

 You move beyond it because you refused to be imprisoned by it, for now or the rest of your life.  You refused to live in regret or the past. You refuse to not live life to the fullest, to not be ALIVE. Because you recognise to live, doesn’t mean you’re alive. 

Entry 6: Gateway of Hope (Hosea 2: 14-16)

Maran was very comfortable with Uhuru, she was feisty but he liked that about her. He discussed the book and even spoke about his childhood. 

Maran was from India and Uhuru took great interest in that. “I want to go to India one day, Uhuru said eagerly.
‘Well you should, it might not seem like it, but to us, its a beautiful place to grow up.” 
Maran said sincerely.

“I am sure”, Uhuru said smiling.
Realising  the humour in that statement, they both burst out laughing. She was having a good time, but knew it would have to end. 

Uhuru looked at her wristwatch, “Its getting late, I better be off.”

“Sure, I completely forgot the time”, Maran said.

“Thanks for the coffee, but try not to go around making the same mistake in future”

“I wont”, Maran responded.

Take care of yourself and keep well, Uhuru said with a smile.

She walked out the Book store without looking back. However, she couldn’t deny the energy force that pulled her to Maran. Her heart ached; this confused and frightened her. It also made her feel liberated somehow. It gave her a sense of hope. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fish falling from the sky; for omega 3.

Fruit and vegetables falling from the sky; for healthy children and adults instead of obese ones.

Good skills and education taught-falling from the sky; for a well educated and capable nation.

Good teachers falling from the sky; who aspire to inspire the next generation, the future of this country.
Priests and Christians falling from the sky; who don’t hold on to the form of religion and deny its powers.

Wealth falling from the sky; enough to take a child to school, feed a family, build a school.......

Natural resources falling from the sky; owned by us, used by us, sold by us to the world.

Integrity, honesty and transparency falling from the sky; to never know what corruption means.
“Black, White, Coloured, Indian, Other”- Beyond these descriptions falling from the sky; to truth acceptance, understanding and tolerance.

Good and positive leaders falling from the sky; to leave a legacy that will forever live on in the nations people.

A hard working people falling from the sky; to contribute positively to the growth of this nation.

“Gays”- HUMAN beings created by God not reduced to a one syllable word; falling from the sky.

A people filled with hope, respect and appreciation falling from the sky; to understand our blessings.

A non-sensationalist media falling from the sky; that provides us with facts and truth. Allowing us to reach our own conclusion.

Wishes; falling from the sky.

Hope; falling from the sky.

Inevitability; falling from the sky

Now it is up to each and every one of us to catch it all. 

Entry 5: Presence like Lebanon (Song of Songs 5:15)

“That is what Christopher says to Jane. Its one of my favourite lines in the book.” Maran said. His excitement subsided and his facial expression changed as he noticed Uhuru’s facial expression.

Thanks, thanks a lot,” Uhuru said agitated. She walked out of the queue to return the book to the shelf she found it in. Maran paid for his and followed her.

“I am sorry, sometimes I don’t think before I speak,” Maran said. Before Maran could complete his speech, Uhuru interrupted him and sarcastically replied, “I am sure.”
Maran chucked, he was amused. “As I was saying, I apologise for spoiling the book for you. How about a coffee to show you how sorry I am.”

“I have coffee at home” Uhuru said as she frantically paged through the book she was holding.
“I am sure”, Maran replied confidently.
Uhuru chuckled as she released Maran was teasing her. “Fine, than you might as well tell me more about the book.”
“Definately,” Maran said as he pulled out a chair for Uhuru. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The colour of the wind is yellow

The colour of the wind is yellow. Yellow is the colour of wisdom and happiness.
Happiness is what I feel when I am in your presence.
Your presence is where I shine brightly.
Brightly coloured are the flowers that you send me every morning.
Every morning you send me sunlight.
Sunlight produces sunrays that dance on the sea while the sun sets on the horizon.
Horizon?, You are never that far, for You have promised me that “You will never leave nor forsake me.”
Me that looks upon you for guidance.
Guidance that only you can provide.
Provide me then with the opportunity to always be still and know you are God.
God; you remain beautiful, trustworthy, faithful, kind, gentle, magnificent, merciful, forgiving and you give grace freely.
Freely is how I live because in You their is freedom, joy and abundance of life.
Life is the whispers that gently caress my skin like the wind.
The wind is the colour of yellow. 

Awakened Love (Song of Songs 3-5)
Uhuru knew that she was not over the loss of her husband. The pain was ingrained in her heart and even her skin. The skin only Maran knew how to caress. He loved her dearly and she could see it in his eyes every time he spoke to her.

 “One day I am going to marry you,” he said the first time they had met. She was standing in a queue, ready to pay for a book she was looking forward to read. Confused, she turned around and looked at the man that stood behind her.