Then Moses asked God,
“If I go to the Israelites and say to them: The God of your fathers has sent me
to you, and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ what should I tell them?”
God replied to Moses,
“I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me
to you.” – Exodus 3: 13.
So I AM has
sent me to you. The universe conspired to bring you to this very moment in
which you find yourself reading this blog post. You could have ended up reading
other posts on this blog, but you reading this one. This is no accident.
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In fact, I don’t
believe in accidents, coincidence or luck. I believe in Divine Order because
everything happens for a reason.
So I find myself
writing this:
loves you. Not like the world loves or defines love,
but only the way He can love. His love is forever, unconditional and perfect.
So perfect that it heals, redeems, delivers and provides.
God knows you
beautiful and perfect. He loves you the way you are because He created you and
He created you perfectly. In fact, the main reason why He created you was to
love you. He created you in love. He
only had a pure love and beautiful vision for your life when He created you.
Its your choice to
return this pure love or not. But The Divine will always love you. Take comfort
in this love, believe in it. Rest in it. Meditate and ponder on it. Nurture it
and I promise you, it will forever bless, protect and keep you.
Now that you know
this, it can never be erased in your mind. Even if you forget this message I
was sent to tell you or choose to ignore it, the message will forever live in
your heart, in your spirit. This message is eternal like Gods love. When tough moments
appear in your life, when you need answers to difficult questions or even in
your greatest moment of joy, you will remember this message. The message I AM, sent me, to tell you-
He loves you.
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