Love !n Mot!on

Thandi means love and I AM love in motion.God's life breath, daughter, sister, student and Gods purpose defined and liberated daily.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Everlasting love(Jeremiah 31:3)

Uhuru giggled as she thought about Maran’s laughter and the fun times they spent together. She had lived a spectacular moment in her life with a man she loved deeply. Now, as she sat quietly in Maran’s room, she strongly felt like she was given another chance to love deeply. Life held out its hands to her and asked to be loved- deeply.


Uhuru knew she couldn’t reject this request, neither did she want to. As the universe was her witness, she accepted the request, got into bed and slept peacefully.  

Conventional is a good fallback position isn’t it?

Conventional is conforming or adhering to accepted standards, to be ordinary rather than different or original (, 2012).

I cannot judge an individual who decides to take this route in life because its their choice and they have their own reasons. There are positives to conformity and its easier than the road less traveled. People who conform generally do not run the risk of being ostracized by their peers. People who act in "normal" ways tend to be pretty well accepted and there is a sense of peace that comes with being "normal." 

However, as much as I understand the reasons behind conformity, there are the negatives that need to be considered. Convention can force a person to be someone they are not. In addition to this, people end up doing things they don’t want to dd. When people are expected to be the "same" they lose a sense of themselves.  

People who conform generally end up suppressing a really important part of who they are. They also suppress their personal growth and do not show what they are truly capable of. This could lead to harmful psychological affects.

I believe that even though comformity might be easier than the road less travelled, it is really a trade-off between being accepted by others on the one hand and losing part of your real identity on the other.

So is conventional a good fallback position?- I think not. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Open Heart (Ephesians 1:18)

Uhuru remembered Marans humility and respect for others. How he showed kindness and gentleness to those he met on his journey called Life.  He used his heart more then his head in the decisions he made in life. She always used to find fault in that but now understood that’s what made him a great human being. He was a gracious person but lead his family, friends and those he worked with well.



Uhuru understood that Maran was not perfect but he was truly God-given. She also understood that God had needed him. Even though Uhuru spent time blaming God for Maran’s physical absent, she now realised how blessed she was. 

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time.

Hear what I say and take heed
Learn the difference between content and greed 

When you know the difference you will know what you truly desire
Then you will know how to acquire it and all your desires will transpire

Learn gratitude
And have a positive mental attitude

Understand that if you chase two rabbits, both will escape
Then your smile will change shape

You will be sad 
And think about what you had 
Too bad
But don't start going mad

Instead, realize what you have lost
As well as the cost

Then learn from your mistake 
And give yourself a break 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Love never fails(1 Corinthians 13: 8)

Even though Maran was gone physically, she was grateful for the time she spent with him. She thought him to be an incredible human being and husband. A man with integrity, dignity and respect. He was different. He was special.


She appreciated how strong yet vulnerable he was. He had a beautiful mind and spirit.


Uhuru knew Maran loved her very much. He showed it with his actions everyday they were together. He was her teacher and inspiration. A Mirror to show her what she was and what she could be. He fed her soul.

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have an idea – Alain

When you take the obvious, add a cupful of brains, a generous pinch of imagination, a bucketful of courage and daring, stir well and bring to a boil, you are bound to come up with a great idea. An idea that when it becomes a reality, can have the power to change people’s lives.

In every great time there is some one idea at work which is more powerful than any other, and which shapes the events of the times and determines their ultimate issues. In my life time, there have been great inventors who gave the world extraordinary ideas. One of my personal favourites is the late great Steve Jobs, who is widely known as the chairman, co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.  

There have been many mediocre ideas that guaranteed enthusiasm and have gone further than a great idea that inspires no one. But the ideas that have sprung from the mind of Jobs have inspired a generation. Jobs was not only an icon, he was an eternal source of inspiration, master in his field.

Widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer and for his influential career in the personal computer revolution fields, Jobs was a "visionary" who dared to think differently and changed the way people think. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

" The only thing constant in life is change" (Psalm 34:18)

Uhuru remembered how unbearable the sadness was in the beginning. The feelings of emptiness, despair, yearning, or deep loneliness left her feeling emotionally unstable. When she wasn’t feeling sad or angry, angry and resentful, feelings of helplessness and insecurity would eat away at her. They caused the terrible panic attacks and the physical problems she would often experience.  Her body ached and she was tired almost all the time.


However, this time Uhuru acknowledged the emotions she was feeling in the past months. She smiled and took a deep breath.  She was not running away now, instead she was running towards something. As a shift took place in her mind, she realised that all the emotions she was experiencing could not harm her any longer, neither could they take anything away from her. 

Have you figured out the second head fake?

“Did you figure out the head fake? Its not about how to achieve your dreams. Its about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way... the dreams will come to you. Did you figure out the second head fake? The talks not for you. It’s for my kids.”- Randy Pausch

Head fake is a sports term used when a player moves their head to fake a change in direction. This term was made popular by Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon professor who made a emotive final speech about living with terminal cancer. Randy Pausch extensively refers to “head fakes” during his speech which became a internet sensation and the basis for a new book, “The Last Lecture.”

I read the book and found it inspiring. I was particularly inspired by how Pausch lived and celebrated life in his last days. How he was not only a thoughtful and brave man, but loved, cared and provided for his family.
This book reminded me of how short life is and how important it is to have and share love. It also reminded me that the true value of life lies in the quality of relationships we have and the moments that bring us joy.

In the Bible the book of Ecclesiastes states: Walk in the ways of your heart and in the sights of your eyes. We are instructed to rejoice and be glad in all our days.
The book of Ecclesiastes further states: It is appropriate to eat, drink, and experience good in all the labour one does under the sun during the few days of his life God has given him, because that is his reward.
I believe these verses sum up what Pausch was emphasising in his book. Life is too short, live it, enjoy it, love it and cherish the God given moments we are given with our love ones.