It is very important not to believe in the religion of things but rather the essence of it. Educate yourself about something before you partake in it. Know the reason for doing something. Don’t just do it because other people do it.
The bases of church are slowing disappearing this current generation. Don’t get me wrong, i love church it’s a place of encouragement and togetherness. Where like minded people join and praise together to a God they have seen manifest His love in their life. Church is a place of gathering. But unfortunately there are so many people that put a negative spin to church. And those people are within the church itself.
According to the Bible (Hebrews 11) faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. As Christians we believe in what is not seen physically (but is emotionally or spiritually). It’s a fact that people believe in what they see, so shouldn’t our Christian living be an encouragement to nonbelievers. Should we not live our lives being an example and encouragement?
Being an example does not mean being perfect or having a facade. Its means being yourself ,being who God intended you to be, being a person that makes mistakes as humans do ,but also working through those mistakes with God by asking and seeking answers. Instead what many church goers have done is emphasis how we have shut Gods children out by focusing on the theories and ideologies that say: unless you believe (think) exactly as I do, you are wrong in my eyes. Judgement, blasphamany and hatred are then justified, even though God they claim to praise doest represent this.
According to Eckhart Tolle author of A New Earth, our biggest sin or mistake is, to miss the point of human existence. To live unskilfully, blingdly and thus to suffer and causing suffering.
Buddha said, the enjoyment of life comes with not mourning the past, worrying or anticipation the trouble of the future. But it’s to enjoy the present earnestly and wisely.
I think this is the sin most of us commit, rather than the ideologies that are indoctrinate in our minds .So many people seek to believe in something, someone, they look externally for answers that lie inside of them. It is a job of a Christian to teach that God is within us all.
According to Tolle, spirituality and religion are separate things. Having a belief system –a set of thoughts that regard as the absolute truth-does not make you spiritual no matter what he nature of those beliefs is.
According to Tolle, spirituality and religion are separate things. Having a belief system –a set of thoughts that regard as the absolute truth-does not make you spiritual no matter what he nature of those beliefs is.
An end to beliefs systems and encouragement to people to have a relationship with God is one of the things Christians should exercise.
The biggest struggle that the church has in this generation is not external factors such as ‘sinful people, the baddies outside the church, the person that did something they weren’t supposed to do according to the church customs’ ect.
The biggest struggle that the church has in this generation is internal factors. The fight for certain positions in church, she did this, he did this, the status I have in church ,how my clothes look ,what car I drive. Its idiotic things that we as church goers think about. Instead of continuously reminding ourselves the true essence of why we go to church.
Do we not go to praise and learn about God? Then why concern yourselves with petty things that are of no relevance what’s so ever. We living this earth one day, don’t you want to leave knowing you spent most of your life concerned with things that are real and made you truly happy?
I will end of with one of my favourite scriptures: Matthew 6:33,”But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you”.
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