Examining the Wars in history: Why? (Slide 18)
Wars have existed for a very long time. The earliest war or battle in history that we know about is 2700 B.C. between Sumer (Iraq) and Elam (Iran).
For example, the cause of the war between Carthaginians and Romans. Fought in three different wars over the course of 118 years. The Romans fought the Carthaginians to ruin their hold on a chain of islands that would let them control the Western Mediterranean. The Romans wanted to have control. They then fought over land in Italy, particularly Sicily.
In the third conflict, Carthaginians tried to save their city and land from being taken over completely by Romans. In these wars, they mainly fought over trade routes in the Mediterranean. Each wanted power and more territorial possession.
Now I can stand here and give you a history lessons about all the wars that occurred in history and why, if you want? Just kidding. What I can tell you however is that all these wars boiled down to one theory.
Now I can stand here and give you a history lessons about all the wars that occurred in history and why, if you want? Just kidding. What I can tell you however is that all these wars boiled down to one theory.
The desire for power and worldly things, linking to our theory in the beginning.
Desire for power (ego) =wars=in order to gain power=meaning people fear or respect you, but they look at you as a higher figure of authority =lack of freedom for people (on PowerPoint again)
In the past, power was about obtaining wealth, property, land, finance, countries, but in the present, what is power about?
The current generation has studied wars. We know that power and war always results in pain, belittling, emotional and physical wounding. Why is it then, that people of authority still crave it so much?
The proverb: The more things change, the more they stay the same, testifies to this.
Till this day, people still yearn to obtain wealth, property, land, finance, countries. Some for the good in order to assist and provide for others, while some for their own selfish reason.
All this is because we have being unconsciously trained to be better ,do better and want better as kids, that’s were endless competition and discontented comes in. This all leads to unapparent addiction to more, unapparent addiction to power.
Power and wealth is an addiction, the more one seeks wealth and power; the more one “climbs the ladder”. Through this undetectable process, one attains an addictive-compulsive personality.
Unless our generation changes the mentality we have, our system of thinking, hence the mentality that our children will have; the desire and acquire of power, for the worse, will continue in the future and thus never end.
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