In the bus, coming back from school its not surprising to me to see the chaos that occurs in Luzuko Drive. On this particular Friday I immediately see a young girl, on the road in complete agony.
She is covered in blood, one can easily see that she is in pain, as she is unable to move her lame arm and people stand around, in total disbelief of what just happened.
As I carefully cross the traffic jammed street, I notice the young girl sister, in total shock as she hysterically cries her sister’s name. People around her try to keep her calm but are unsuccessful. As I cross the street, I notice that the girl is on the left road, while there’s a car on the right road, completely smashed. My mind ponders on the thought of what could have happened to the car and girl.
As I continue to walk home, I see my mother who has fear in her eyes. I think of my mother and realise she was probably wondering where her daughter is and I think of the girl on the street. Her parents don’t know that there daughter is in pain, hurt and involved in an accident. As they sit at home, waiting for their child to arrive home, they don’t know that she might never get home. They don’t know that there child could leave them forever.
I arrive home only to find that the injured girl on the road in complete pain was a student my father used to teach. She was walking with her twin sister. As I pray, I realise that her twin sister saw the whole accident and will always live with that pain and shock. No child deserves that type of pain.
She is covered in blood, one can easily see that she is in pain, as she is unable to move her lame arm and people stand around, in total disbelief of what just happened.
As I carefully cross the traffic jammed street, I notice the young girl sister, in total shock as she hysterically cries her sister’s name. People around her try to keep her calm but are unsuccessful. As I cross the street, I notice that the girl is on the left road, while there’s a car on the right road, completely smashed. My mind ponders on the thought of what could have happened to the car and girl.
As I continue to walk home, I see my mother who has fear in her eyes. I think of my mother and realise she was probably wondering where her daughter is and I think of the girl on the street. Her parents don’t know that there daughter is in pain, hurt and involved in an accident. As they sit at home, waiting for their child to arrive home, they don’t know that she might never get home. They don’t know that there child could leave them forever.
I arrive home only to find that the injured girl on the road in complete pain was a student my father used to teach. She was walking with her twin sister. As I pray, I realise that her twin sister saw the whole accident and will always live with that pain and shock. No child deserves that type of pain.
that is so sad thandi!! I cried...