Love !n Mot!on

Thandi means love and I AM love in motion.God's life breath, daughter, sister, student and Gods purpose defined and liberated daily.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Feelings follow behaviour
I personally disagree with this statement. I think behaviour follows feelings. According to Proverbs 23:7, “as  a man think in his heart (mind) so is he.”
So its pretty simple, what you think, determines what you feel and what you feel determines your actions and behaviour. This is the secret behind the Conscious Living books such as The New Earth by Ekhart Tolle and books alike as well as the widely known book, The Secret. 

These books tell you in basic terms: you manifest intangible and tangible things in your life. Therefore, before you manifest anything in your life, by faith and grace of God, you have to change your thinking.
Your thoughts determine how you see and experience the world. If you think constantly and have a busy overworked/ overloaded mind, its will definitely show itself in your life. For instance, If you think negative thoughts, life will only show you the negative things in your life. Life always gives you want you expect of it.

In conclusion, thoughts lead to feelings; feelings send out an energy force to the universe and this is what we attract. What we attract will determined our behaviour so thinks thoughts that build and strengthen you rather than the opposite.
Remember: God created man in his own image, according to His likeness(Genesis 1: 27). God  also THOUGHT (intangible) before He created anything that manifested itself in life (became tangible). This is exactly the same process for us humans, who have God living inside of us and are ultimately, gods on earth. What we think in our hearts (minds), we feel and therefore become. Behaviour (thinking) follows feeling. 

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