Love !n Mot!on

Thandi means love and I AM love in motion.God's life breath, daughter, sister, student and Gods purpose defined and liberated daily.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fish falling from the sky; for omega 3.

Fruit and vegetables falling from the sky; for healthy children and adults instead of obese ones.

Good skills and education taught-falling from the sky; for a well educated and capable nation.

Good teachers falling from the sky; who aspire to inspire the next generation, the future of this country.
Priests and Christians falling from the sky; who don’t hold on to the form of religion and deny its powers.

Wealth falling from the sky; enough to take a child to school, feed a family, build a school.......

Natural resources falling from the sky; owned by us, used by us, sold by us to the world.

Integrity, honesty and transparency falling from the sky; to never know what corruption means.
“Black, White, Coloured, Indian, Other”- Beyond these descriptions falling from the sky; to truth acceptance, understanding and tolerance.

Good and positive leaders falling from the sky; to leave a legacy that will forever live on in the nations people.

A hard working people falling from the sky; to contribute positively to the growth of this nation.

“Gays”- HUMAN beings created by God not reduced to a one syllable word; falling from the sky.

A people filled with hope, respect and appreciation falling from the sky; to understand our blessings.

A non-sensationalist media falling from the sky; that provides us with facts and truth. Allowing us to reach our own conclusion.

Wishes; falling from the sky.

Hope; falling from the sky.

Inevitability; falling from the sky

Now it is up to each and every one of us to catch it all. 


  1. Beautiful Thandi...It is a nice angle that you used in the post. It is truly up to us to catch it...

  2. I loved the way in which you have portrayed each of the various situations. Well done!

  3. Hi Thandi! I loved the way you portrayed each of these situations. Well done!
